Chairman, Mary Kay R. - opened with the Serenity Prayer, Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts of Service and the General Warranties.WELCOME: Mary Kay welcomed all returning attendees and all new GR’s. Introduction by Districts represented today: Districts: 1,5,6,9,10,14,15,16,23,25,30,31,33,39,41,45,47,48,51,54 & 57. Not represented: 2,4,8,12,24,26,27,28,29,32,34,38, & 69.
SUGGESTED PROCEDURE: Presented by Mary Kay R. and approved by Assembly. A reminder to the Assembly, we are all trusted servants of this wonderful program and courtesy is the word of the day. One trip and 2 minutes at the microphone per discussion.
OHIO AREA ASSEMBLY (OAA) MINUTES: Janet P. Prev. Secretary - Assembly approved minutes from Oct. 12-13,2002 with correction of page 3 drawing for the Regional Service Seminar should be Jill Clark, not Barbara Wright.
ORIENTATION REPORT: Delegate Geri H. Welcomed 20 who attended the new Group Representative (GR) orientation meeting this morning.
Financial report for the year of 2002.
Beginning Balance for 1/01/02 $37,605
Donations & Other Income $14,788
Expenses (Paid Out) (14,760)
Total Cash on Hand $37,633
As of 5/10/03 Cash on hand is $41,925.71. Donations & other Income is $8,798.30 and a reconciling item of $624.16 and Expenses of $5,129.84. The second page tells us where the money is and the monies under to be approved by Assembly are what we will work on later today. Page three tell us what has been contributed from our Districts, $4,821.37 to date. Column six may not be the total of two & four if a group contributed both group & plea amount, it is counted only once. A check is being held from Al-Anon FH & L for $25.00 due to not having any information of group or district number. If anyone has any information that can help identify this so I can list this check properly, please contact me. Treasurer’s report was approved by Assembly.
I wish to thank the Assembly for allowing me to attend the North Central Regional District Meeting in Ft. Wayne in March. This experience was invaluable to me and to my service to Al-Anon as your Alternate Delegate. Ohio Area Assembly currently exchanges newsletters with 36 other states. These are available today for you to take, if you’re interested. Spring/Summer issue will be mailed in early June. Subscription is $2.00 a year or $3.50 for two years and indicate if this is a new subscription or a renewal. Order blanks are available at Assembly and in the Al-A-Notes. A personal subscription will have the expiration season and year appearing on the label, if any information is incorrect, please contact me. Officers, Coordinators, GR’s or DR’s, if you did not receive a copy or any information is incorrect on the label, contact the Group Records Coordinator.
A special report was given by Linda A., from Cleveland, and Barb from Dayton. WSO Public Outreach requested Al-Anon representation at the Scared Hoop Journey for Native Americans. This is the second year we’ve been asked to participate. The Scared Hoop Journey is dedicated to Men & Children’s healing from substance abuse, and is scheduled to visit 17 cities in 12 areas of our Al-Anon structure.
Thanks to your vote and confidence, I have just come back from my first World Service Conference. Love gifts were brought back for all to take (tokens from each state) and pictures to look at. Three skits were brought back for you to sign up for a copy, also pamphlets & literature in Spanish and French for anyone who likes. World Service Handbook from last year also. Districts 39 & 48 made Buckeye’s that were a real hit. Thank you so much. Theme of the conference was "Change – Create New Possibilities, various motions were approved including 2002 audited financials and 2003 Annual report and Budget report. Ohio was not selected as one of the sites for bid of the 2008 International Convention. I was proud that Ohio at least made a bid and Thank you Sandy F. who was instrumental in this. Regional Trustee, nominations open for this position in the North Central Region, if you want to nominate someone. Please see me on nominations and qualifications, as we have to approve and send in the resume of the person chosen by 1/4/04. North Central Regional Service Seminar will be Aug. 19-21,2005. I took the liberty of offering Ohio as interested in bidding for this. Our own, Lynda E., was approved as Trustee-at-Large. Contributions in 2002 amounted to $1,039,645. Ohio’s contributions are down in 2002 about $3,000.00 and personal contributions are down about $2,000.00. Birthday & Bereavement plans were stressed. There is a new PSA, "My Life," that comes in a variety of lengths so stations can determine the time frame best suited. Action Committee structure is now permanent, was on a trial basis. 116 countries are involved in Al-Anon. WSO is putting out a Public Outreach contest and I have asked our Action Committees to create a project for Ohio. WSO will contribute up to $1,200.00 in literature, printed matter and send WSO staff to those chosen. 67 US and 25 Canadian areas are to be chosen starting with 8 in July, 8 in Sept. and 9 in Nov. It would be great to be chosen, but if not, we have a Public Outreach project for our Action Committees. The total count in 2002 for Al-Anon groups is 24,883 and 2,270 Alateen groups. Blueprint for Progress will have major revisions and expansions, also changes to How Al-Anon Works for Families and Friends of Alcoholics. Grief and loss literature will be developed. Recent archival research revealed discrepancies between originally approved wording in certain Steps, Traditions, Concepts of Service and General Warranties and a motion passed stating that they should be returned to the original wording.
Total voting members is 61 Group Representatives. Total attendance is 78.
A Spring Round up was held April 4-6 at Holiday Inn East. This is an AA Convention with Al-Anon & Alateen participation. Alateen activities both on Friday & Saturday afternoon. Stephanie K. was the Alateen Lead Saturday afternoon. Teens from Central Ohio & Springfield were in attendance. The Valentine’s Dance was re-scheduled to April 26th and we raised $149.00. Attendance was low, however a good time was had by all. There was great fellowship, music and tasty Sloppy Joes. This was a fundraiser for Central Ohio Alateens for KOMAIC. Recovery Field Day is May 31, at Whitehall Community Park 9am-4pm with activities of tug of war, three legged race, egg toss, face painting, two clowns clowning, leads, 50/50 Raffle, Pie in the face auction, a bake sale and more. See Flyer. A new Alateen meeting at Parkside Lodge Saturday mornings in Gahanna at 11:15am. It started April 17, please support this meeting and spread the word. Registration for KOMIAC (Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana Alateen Conference) will be due at the end of June /beginning of July. Held at Hope College (SW of Grand Rapids) in Michigan, August 1-3, 2003. I received an email from Geri H, asking me to stay on as Alateen Coordinator. Serving a second time would have to be approved by Assembly and I want something in return that would help my situation. Seven or eight years ago, the Assembly, back then, decided not to support KOMIAC. The reason given was that KOMIAC is Non-Profit Inc., a separate entity, but Alateen is part of Al-Anon. I would like the support from Ohio like Michigan, Indiana & Kentucky, who have financial support from their assemblies, i.e. if KOMAIC for what ever reason runs into the red, they can go to the assembly to request funds to balance their books. I have been in Alateen for approximately 18 years. Next summer we will put on KOMIAC for the other three states here in Ohio at Kent State University. The college is picked out, I have asked a trusted proven Insurance agent who has his CPA, and to be Treasurer, this is a safety net I implemented. As it stands now, if something were to happen and we would lose money at KOMIAC, it comes out of my butt. Last year in Kentucky, they didn’t do the key return right and were short $3,000.00. Now I’m going to make sure we get our keys back and make sure we have all our funds paid for, but it’s just a safety net knowing that I can count on Assembly to back me up if something happens. Now I’m willing to stay on as Alateen Coordinator for the remainder of the three-year term, providing I get the support. Two motions were written for both the term of service and KOMIAC financial support.
I have received several newsletters from Mimi Valley Information Service. I received information of Regional Service Seminars from 2 different locations from WSO. See you at the Convention.
World Service Office suggested that we put posters in Doctor, Dentist and therapist offices. Posters are $1.00 or 7 for $5.00. Forum subscriptions are available at a reduced rate for professionals - $8.00/yr. I received seven feedback forms from professionals. I don’t know who sent these out, WSO or what, but they wanted literature/someone to contact them. I passed this on to the District Representatives hoping that they follow up. District 39, sent meeting schedules and pamphlets to all Ministers Churches and Doctors offices in Ottawa County.
FORUM: Cyndy W.
I’m just getting use to the idea of being the Forum Coordinator and develop some ideas so that we will all use the Forum for our meeting and part of our personal recovery. One of the things that I came across that I think is just wonderful is a book called " Al-Anon Favorite Forum Editorials. These are the editorials at the beginning of the Forum when it was first published by Margaret, the editor. If you have any ideas that I could use for getting the Forum distributed out there, let me know. Many of us have been in the program for a number of years (15,20,25) and I hate to admit that I hate to part with any of my old ones because I use them when I Chair. If you have some ideas on how we can re-circulate these that would be great. Remember as GR’s you are the Forum representative and that one of your responsibilities is to come up with some ways that your Group can use the Forum as a meeting topic. I’d like to put together a list of ways we can use the Forum in meetings. I hope in October to have some labels to distribute for use on the Forums that are distributed. Some times when it just says the phone number and local information number, people still don’t quite understand what we’re about. One of my jobs is to increase Forum subscriptions, and not that I had anything to do with it, there were 27 new subscriptions and 11 renewals using the half-price subscription offer. If you group doesn’t have a Forum subscription, please encourage them to get one for Group use. The September edition will have a special insert, this is ideal for waiting rooms, resource centers, reception areas – share the benefits of Al-Anon.
There are 508 Ohio groups that meetings are actually taking place. In the record there’s 548. Al-Anon Groups 438, Adult Children 23, Institutions 3, Hospital 3, and Alateen 41. I have been kept very busy with changes from WSO, DR’s, and form changes and from other sources. I have new registration forms that need viewed on both sides, but will be easier to fill out and for me to read also. A list of the AWSC members is also available today. Four districts do not have a DR., 24, 38, 41 & 47 so if you’re here from one of these Districts you need to elect a new one.
First of all I would like to start out by giving credit to the Districts that have been sending reports of their outreach in the Institution area. Many thanks to Cleveland, Central Ohio, Miami Valley, Akron and District 48 areas for all of their many Institutional projects which they continue to support. I see that there are many meetings on wheels as well as visiting and providing literature for Institutions throughout the State. I encourage you to consider new ideas for reaching out to Institutions. There are many areas and ideas that are unexplored and waiting for you to come to them. As far as any Districts and areas I have not named today, I’m sure that just because you were not mentioned doesn’t mean that you are not active. It means that you have not sent reports to make us aware of you accomplishments and ingenious way to reach out. Your sharing of ideas helps us to follow in your footsteps and helps those still suffering in our communities. Once again I urge you to share with the entire Ohio area and WSO through your Institutions Coordinator, the means of carrying the work that we may not have thought of. WSO has suggested that we distribute posters/displays to hospitals, treatment centers, mental health agencies and domestic violence centers. They also urge us to share the 6 ½ minute video about the family disease of alcoholism and how Al-Anon can work. It cost $5.00. They urge us to use our Coordinators budget to order one. It is suggested that you donate one to a local treatment center and make an appointment to show the video to correctional facility staff, hospital or treatment center staff. To obtain a list of treatment centers, use you local telephone directory, Internet "yellow pages," or government Web site database I will be sending information out to all District Representatives and Information Services within the next few weeks.
Literature is on of our keys to recovery. Keeping this in mind, our World Service Office is offering two of our corner stone publications as a set for a limited time at a discounted price. The set includes The Al-Anon Family Groups-Classic Edition and Lois Remembers for $15.00 catalog # B5/7. The Al-Anon Family Group if the first book published by WSO. The contents are an over view of Al-Anon, a little history, steps, traditions, stories and how things. The classic edition has Bill W’s address to the 1st World Service Conference and a copy of a note from Lois W., which are not in the original version. Lois Remembers is an autobiography of one of Al-Anons co-founders. When I read this book for the first time and came to the part where Lois talks about going camping and living in a tent, I wondered if all alcoholics go through a primitive camping phase. Mine certainly did, but those are stories for another day. I recommend adding these books to your Groups Conference Approved Literature. Order forms are here today.
I don’t have email any longer so if you have sent or are trying to send me something by email, I am not getting it. Since I am new and we have so many new comers today, I thought I’d go over what Public Information does. Public Information reaches out the general public through the media, Radio, TV, newspapers, World Wide Web site, conference-approved literature, posters and meeting lists. Public Information distributes service projects and information from the World Service Office to the Districts and encourages the Districts to past these ideas and materials along to the Groups. Second distribution of current public service announcement (PSA) "Corner," has been mailed to 555 TV Stations and 1600 Radio Stations in the US and Canada. Television tapes, radio Compact Discs and posters are still available from WSO. Ordering information is on Public Outreach materials S-15P page 2. "How To," about getting a PSA on the air in your area and copies of Radio & TV Stations already contacted and been seen, on the table here. I encourage District Representatives or one person from each District to take the stapled 8 pages to share with your Groups. Please mark off your District # so only one person takes the material. The American Medical Review recently filmed a feature about Al-Anon at two Al-Anon meetings and the WSO. The video was provided to every PBS Station in the US and Canada in December and made available by Satellite as well, reaching a total of 129 Countries. It has the potential to reach over 50 million viewers. By ordering the longer version, we are able to stay within the Traditions and maintain anonymity. This video is usable by every Al-Anon member for Public Outreach projects and is only $5.00 plus shipping. Every District Representative, Al-Anon Information Service and Area Coordinators should have been mailed order forms in February "Area highlights," and every Group in March mailing of "Inside Al-Anon Extra." I would encourage every Group to order at least one and use to inform the general Public and or the media. September is National Recovery Month with the emphasis on special Forum issue. Placing one of these copies in a public place, other than with professionals or institutions, is another PI opportunity. Be sure to keep handing in the "Foot Coupons." A listing of Al-Anon Information Services (Intergroups) throughout the World is updated twice yearly is one page 2 of the Cal catalog – S-23. It can help the Public find meetings locally and to learn of the services they provide. DISTRICT NEWS: CLEVELAND Districts 1,2,5,8,24,34,45 & 47 is turning in Foot Works Coupons, Forum magazines were distributed to grocery stores and libraries (3 copies each to 29 the Cuyahoga County Library). New PSA were sent to Channel 3 TV station and other stations will be getting the PSA. Public Information Committee is busy at Health Fairs and literature mailings. Anyone seeing TV or Radio Al-Anon Information, please tell and acknowledge to the Media airing. CENTRAL OHIO Districts 26,33,31 & 35 Al-Anons spoke to and is involved in panel discussions at several schools in the district. Al-Anon/Alateen literature provided as requested by schools. In the Media, the quarterly mailing to local newspapers with meeting schedule provided. Contacted to be part of a video production for Educational Channel 25. Funding project to put literature in Urgent Care and Emergency rooms of hospitals. Had a booth at Columbus International Auto Show in March and participated in "Gahanna Springs into Health 2003," in April. DISTRICT 39 distributed over 1200 meeting schedules and 500 Blue Al-Anon Fact Sheets throughout the district. To reach the Public, all Libraries, 7 Retail stores bulletin boards, Sandusky County Visitors Bureau and Fremont Liberty Center Homeless Shelter received 4 weeks of TV ads announcing Tuesday meeting w/baby sitting on cable for free. Meetings added to Al-Anon State Web site and Local Radio Stations reminded to play PSA’s from WSO sent in 2002. Two speakers talked to Sandusky County Juvenile Detention and one speaker talked to Sandusky County Rotary. Classified ads ran for 2 weeks in Fremont News and Post Clinton newspapers, also running free Newspaper Alateen meetings in Clyde newspaper. MIAMI VALLEY INFORMATION SERVICE: Second promotion for WSO PSA "Corners," in April. New posters ordered for distribution beginning in May. Alateen participation in Unified Health Solutions project, "Can Do," involved in Health Fairs at 3 Elementary Schools and 1 High School (520 students at the 3 Elementary Schools and 600 at the High School), this is a Federally funded program designed to promote community learning centers in Dayton Public Schools.
My committee consists of Cheryl, Rex, Shirley, Janet, Geri, & myself just so you know that I didn’t come up with these figures by myself, so blame someone else too. The Budget report on the one side where it says OAA 2003 Budget and is split in three areas, Budget, Reserves & Excess funds, these figures come from the Treasurers report from year ending 12/31/2002. These are the funds we are working with for this years budget and the income on the proposed budget does not include monies from the Al-A-Notes or Registrations from Assemblies. According to our Guidelines we have to put funds into the Reserves to bring it back to the maximums, except for the Transition Team, which is discretionary by the Budget Committee if the funds are sufficient in it. On the other side is the proposed budget with the three columns of Budget 2002, Actual (expense monies paid out), some areas here do not have amounts which means that the expenses were not turned in timely before the end of 2002 and Budget 2003. These budget amounts are not funds paid out to any individual for doing the service job, but the funds they need to do the service jobs, (duplicating reports, postage for mailings, etc.) Excess funds, some times our Conventions make a little monies on the Ways & Means, a Convention is not be a money maker, but some times it does. Budget surplus is the difference between what was budgeted and the actual expense amounts, these are Excess Funds. The Budget Committee, and with Assembly, can decide what these funds are spent on, there is no certain guidelines on this, but the Assembly has to approve where these monies goes and that’s where the Budget Committee motions come in.
I want to get some understanding here, the By-Laws are legal stuff, the information we had to have to have in place for our Non-Profit Corporation filing. Handbook is our set of working procedures, what we do day to day. Guidelines come from WSO and this Assembly has no authority to change the Guidelines, only the By-Laws and the Handbook. I have been spending a lot of time organizing these into something less complicated. I wanted to make it easier to understand for the GR’s that have the vote, to find the information easier. A new set should be ready for 2-Day Fall Assembly. When I started working on these, there were some questionable things that I found, so I went back to the Handbook and tried to organize things, so there are some motions on this.
2002 Review given by Linda A., past review person. The Review Committee has completed the review of the financial books for the fiscal year ending 12/31/02. We started with the ending dollar amounts of 12/31/01 and verify all funds coming into and out of the bank accounts. (Donations, Interest income, registration monies, etc. and the pay outs of cash or checks.)
We do the same with all figures on the Reserves, Budget & Expense Report. All expense vouchers are reviewed and verified as to their placement on the Income/Expense Report. Total Income for the year of 2002 is $14,788.33. Total Expense for the year of 2002 is $14,760.46. This leaves a balance of $27.87 as Net Income added to the cash on hand balance, which brings it to $37,633.09. There are a few things that need to be addressed this year from 2002 and they are: Check #624 dated June 9, 2002 is for Rent for the Alateen Rally Oct. 13, 2001 in the amount of $150.00 and Check #635 dated September 8, 2001 is for Rent for the Alateen Fall Rally Oct 12, 2001 for $150.00. These checks are payable to two different parties even though the monies went to the same individual. I don’t believe that there was a Two-Day Rally, so funds need to be returned to OAA or a credit for this years Rally, if we have it in the same place. There are also some 2003 expenses that were paid out in 2002 for the Al-A-Notes of postage and an advance on printing cost. Copies of the above are being forwarded to the present Treasurer for completion and the current Review Chairperson for follow up at years end. Thank you for allowing me to be your Review & Audit Chairperson.
I did a check on hits on the Web site by area, Akron 1,325, Cincinnati 976, Columbus 1,828, Dayton 1,180, Youngstown 277, Cleveland was not counted as they have their own Web site and when you click on Cleveland it jumps right to them, so I changed that so now I can count hits in Cleveland. We also had 432 hits on Traditions and 573 on the Steps. I get emails asking me if I know when Al-Anon meeting are in Cambridge, Athens, Chillicothe or Mansfield and I say no because I have no schedule information for several areas of the State. These are areas that have no Intergroup that produces a schedule that I know of, so I have a page out there for remote areas and as people have informed me of these areas, I put them on. If you are aware of meeting in these areas, please let me know so I can list them. We have a calendar page so if you have Roundups, Workshops, anything like that, let me know so I can put them on there so people know about it. I get questions from people that I can’t answer or I just let them know that they should go to a meeting. (Questions like can you send me an enrollment for so I sign up for Al-anon or one woman who never went to a meeting wanted to know if we needed volunteers). I do a beginners meeting a my home group and we got five new comers and I asked them how did you find the meeting and four told me from the Web, this makes it all worth it. Several other areas have on their Web site the Assembly Guidelines, By-Laws, Convention Guidelines, we can do that if the Assembly decides that is what they want on it. Registration forms, expense vouchers can be put on and other items. There is a lot we can do with this and it just needs to grow. Northern California in their newsletter had an article about their Web site. Since January 1st the total number of hits I told you about earlier per area come up to 9,067. A paragraph in the Northern California newsletter reads that they have 145,000 hits within 60 days, but that Web site has been up for five years. We can get to that. I am looking for a back up person, so if anybody has the computer web knowledge and wants to help, let me know. The Web site address is Changes etc. can be emailed to me from the web site. Terms such as "closed," next to meeting time needs to be put in a glossary for those not familiar with closed meaning Al-Anon members only.
2003 OHIO AREA CONVENTION: District of Youngstown – Lee R.
June 27-29 at Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio. The Theme: Hope Begins with Me….Pass it On. As of May 15th we have only 38 registrations of which 9 are committee people. Registrations closes May 31st. Speakers are all confirmed, donations for hospitality are coming in slowly so feel free to bring your favorite snack to share. Ways-n-Means has been very busy and has made 500 items that will be available. Our hosting Districts 4 & 9 are donating 2 baskets to be raffled at the convention and we will have a Golf cart available for those who need it. The College has requested we each sign a medical emergency release form, that is to protect people who have allergies, on oxygen or if you fall and become unconscious, so we contact next of kin or what we need to do. Everyone will have to sign one that registers, but if you refuse to sign this there is nothing I can do about it, but it is in the best interest of the College and us for you to sign this. We have Quilt to raffle for a $1.00 a ticket and if you want this you will have to come to the Convention to buy a ticket. Each meeting in the Youngstown District was sent a 6x5-inch square that they designed themselves and sent back to us and we put them together. The backing of this quilt came from Mary Alice Baker, so it has a lot of meaning and a lot of dedication in it. One of the squares is from an Alateen group. An emergency list is available here today and we did the best we could to distribute the flyers but we had nothing from last year to go by. Flyers were at 2-Day Fall Assembly, sent to DR’s to copy for their Groups, in the Al-A-Notes and on the Web site. Price is $120.00 for the weekend including 5 meals. Walk-ins with meals are $45.00, without meals are $25.00, Alateens will only be charged for meals of $15.00 for Saturday. The Dorms are all air-conditioned and two rooms with one bathroom in the middle and remember you save $10.00 if you bring your own linens (sheets, towels, etc.). A store is close by for those who forget linens and you’ll get to keep them.
2003 2-DAY FALL ASSEMBLY: Districts of Dayton – Kathy P (Barbara W. reporting)
There are Flyers here today. October 18-19,2003 at Kings Island Resort Conference Center with Banquet registration forms. The room cost $68.00 per night and will be at that rate both Friday and Sunday. The park is open so you can bring your family.
2003 AA CONVENTION: No Report
2004 OHIO AREA CONVENTION: Districts of Toledo – Janice R.
Theme: Life, Love & Laughter and held at the Clarion Hotel Westgate in Toledo which is right of the express way, so if shouldn’t be hard to find. June 4-6, 2004. Room rates: Quad $75.50 each for the weekend, Three $89.00 each, Two $116.00 and Single $197.00, this includes registration and two breakfast buffet. Our hospitality room can have anything in it, so we feel we can take care of lunch. Banquet possible for the evening at an additional charge if we have it. My concerns are about attendance. If attendance doesn’t improve we need to look at having these, as it takes a lot to put one on. More details forth coming.
2004 2-DAY FALL ASSEMBLY: No Report.
Sept. 13 Area World Service Committee (AWSC) Josephinum
Oct. 18-19 2-Day Fall Ohio Area Assembly (OAA) Kings Island Inn & Resort
Motion #1 |
The Chairman of the Ohio Area Convention must be an active member of the Ohio Area Assembly. |
Geri H. |
Motion #2 |
To combine the "47 motions," listed in Expenses - Article VI of by-law's with 13 motions in Handbook. |
Pat M. |
Motion #3 |
To establish a Special Standing Committee for a "Compliance Liaison," as passed in Oct,2001 |
Pat M. |
Motion #4 |
To put a cap of $2,000.00 on the District Representative Area World Services Comm. Meeting to. |
Budget Committee |
Motion #5 |
To put a cap of $3,500.00 on the equipment fund. PASSED |
Budget Committee |
Motion #6 |
To purchase 1500 public outreach posters from WSO to be distributed to all GR's attending |
The 2003 2-Day Fall Assembly. Posters to be paid out of excess funds. PASSED |
Budget Committee |
Motion #7 |
To put $180.54 from excess funds to the Convention Float fund to bring the balance back up to $2,000.00. |
Budget Committee |
Motion #8 |
To delete the attached sheet of one-time motions that were previously passed in the By-laws |
and Handbook and are no longer relevant. |
Pat M. |
Motion #9 |
Only Motions that are Bt-Law or Handbook changes/additions/deletions are to be put into the |
By-law's and/or Handbook. One-time motions will not. PASSED |
Pat M. |
Motion #10 |
To amend the recommendation adopted on (3/94) regarding the Transition Team fund originally |
written, "to familiarize new officers with old officers and to set goals for the following 3 year period," |
to include new & former OAA coordinators & Committee chairs in the transition meeting. PASSED |
Jill C. |
Motion #11 That the Assembly votes to Re-elect Steve as Alateen Coor. For the rest of the current 3 yr. Term. Stephen A.
Motion #12 That Assembly support KOMIAC financially, if after KOMIAC (held every 4 years in Ohio) is finished,
that if KOMIAC is in the Red, Assembly helps out to bring into the Black. Stephen A.
GROUP REPRESENTATIVES: Remember to bring these meeting minutes with you to 2-Day Fall Assembly.