Area World Service Committee Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2004



Meeting opened with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer. Attendance: 24, 11 District Representatives,3 Alternate District Representatives, 1 Past Delegate, 5 Coordinators and 4 Officers..

Welcome to all officers, coordinators, district representatives and a special welcome to all attending for the first time.

Reminder from Mary Kay: The Area World Service Committee Members meet for the purpose of voicing and exploring their ideas, issues, concerns and visions related to their service jobs by way of an open form in the midst of a wealth of Al-Anon service experience, strength and hope. Service work is then enhanced as members share information and provide affirmation for one another. This meeting produces a timely agenda and many full-bodied reports encompassing both up-to-date achievements as well as newly proposed projects, all of which are presented to the next Ohio Area Assembly.

Mary Kay reminded all that we will have the open forum where ideas, questions, problems from groups, districts or service are shared.


I have the Conference Summaries for all the AWSC members. I have a sheet here, so please sign your name and service position as you take your copy so that I will have a record of who has received their copy. These summaries (P46) may also be ordered from the WSO at a cost of $3.00 each if you or anyone from your group want copies. Conference summary information is also available on the WSO website -

I finally was able to get in touch with the Spanish contact for Ohio who is Josephine T. from Gahanna, OH. I mailed her the service manual in Spanish and several Spanish newsletters. I also invited her to our 2-day fall assembly, but have not received a reply from her. We only have one Spanish-speaking group in OH, but she informed me that their group is doing well and growing slowly.

Thought 1 would mention that I got a telephone call from Sue B. delegate from Michigan. She had read a copy of our Al-A-Notes and our assembly agenda was in there. She was very impressed by our agenda and that we were able to hold a 2-day assembly meeting. She asked many questions about our assembly structure and mentioned that their Michigan groups do not support their Group Reps expenses -they pay for them themselves. Needless to say, I was quite proud to be representing Ohio.

Our Regional Delegates Meeting will be hosted by Ohio in 2005 and will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Cleveland on March 11-12-13, 2005. Since it will be held here in OH, it is a great opportunity for anyone here at the AWSC to attend with, of course, no voice and no vote. We will be having our own elections next year so this will be a chance for any one interested in standing for the position of Alt. Or Delegate to witness what this meeting is all about.

Keep in mind that Ohio will be hosting the Regional Service Seminar in August 19-20-21, 2005 also at the Sheraton Hotel in Cleveland, OH. It was brought to my attention by our Regional Trustee, Colleen R. that the staff at the WSO did not seem to be expecting a large turnout for Ohio and I would just like to show just how supportive and dynamic the people in Ohio really are. So talk it up at your District, Intergroup, and Group Meetings. Invite those who have never had the experience of attending a Regional Service Seminar to attend. We had our first meeting for the NCRSS this morning and Jill C. who is chairing this event will be giving you more detail in her report.


I have the upcoming Regional Service Seminars for 2005:

Mayl3-l 5/-05 Canada East RSS Univ. of New Brunswick, St. John, NB, Canada Aug. 19-21-05 North Central RSS Sheraton Cleveland Airport Hotel, Cleveland, OH Sept. 16-18-05 Southwest RSS Renaissance Ilika Waikiki Hotel, Honolulu, HI

The 2005 World Service Conference will be held in Stamford, Conn., at the Stamford-Marriott Hotel on April 16, 2005. The Board approved the Conference Committee selection of the theme: Energize Al-Anon-Expand-Explore-Experience! All the panel 43 Delegates will be required to give a 3 -minute talk on this theme. The equalized expense amount to send a delegate to the WSC is $1,100.00. The equalized expense is fully explained in our Service Manual Page 122. The full amount is $1,818.00 which is the amount that Ohio has always paid per our Guidelines and needs to be sent in to the WSO by the end of December. Janet, our Treasurer also has this information.

Some WSO News:

The Policy Committee is continuing discussion on representation of Al-Anon on-line meetings in the service structure. The discussion is based on what we do and do not know in regard to on-line meetings. I believe that the main concern is policy procedure - how it fits into Al-Anon structure. I have never been to a meeting on-line - this is one of those things that I have put somewhere on my list of "Things to do" but never did. I know Karen M. has pretty much experience with these on-line meetings, and several Al-Anons who have been laid up due to illness or physical disabilities have informed me that they received a lot of good Al-Anon from on-line meetings.

Public Outreach:

As you are know September is National Recovery Month and Al-Anon is doing their part in making the public aware of Al-Anon. The Public Service Announcement "Reality" is airing on the Panasonic Jumbotron in Times Square until Sept. 25th. We are told it is airing twice an hour, 16 hours a day. Opportunities for cooperation with local September Recovery Month activities are posted in the Events section of the Sept. Recovery month Website: If it is not possible for Al-Anon to cooperate with local Sept.Recovery Month activities listed on this website, groups and service arms can host their own open meetings for the general public and professionals and publicize Al-Anon/Alateen contact info in their local media. The P.O. Dept. of WSO is happy to inform us about a new project utilizing Al-Anon's newly released "Reality" TV PSA in Canada. Our PSA is being included in the Public Health Service Network's informational DVD of health related news during the months of June, July, October, and November. Reality will also be played in 2,000 medical and health clinics and doctors' offices in 45 cities in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec. An estimated audience of 1.5 million people will view this PSA while waiting for their appointments at the health clinics subscribing to these services.

There was also a Public Service Announcement referring viewers to Al-Anon on the ABC program - All My Children on Monday, July 5th recorded by Susan Lucci

I have had several different Al-Anon members ask me if WSO provided any kind of material for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. There is a directory that you can obtain from the WSO by calling or e-mailing and the Directory is S-14. It consists of a list of Al-Anon and Alateen literature that is produced in large type by AFG, Inc. and a list of agencies that produce Al-Anon literature in Braille, cassette tapes, and CD's. Under a special provision of the US copyright law, regional and subregional libraries are able to produce materials through the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. If a private agency is interested in producing Al-Anon materials in special formats, they will contact the WSO and request permission. When you request materials in special formats through the National Library Service, the amount of available Al-Anon/Alateen literature increases and other members with special needs will benefit from your request. Al-Anon is not affiliated with any of these organizations, but again does cooperate in getting the message of Al-Anon out to all who want and will benefit from it.

The 2004 September Forum Outreach Project is a record-breaking success. 102,420 copies were purchased by the Fellowship and is the largest printing of any single Forum issue in the magazine's 52-year history.

As I mentioned to you last year. Each year at the WSC there is a meeting called "Talking with the Delegates" where the Delegates get together and have sessions and share the happenings in our Areas. I am asking the DR's to please send me reports on what is going on in your Districts so that I can put together some info as to what is going on in OH. I would like to have them no later than Dec. of this year. Thank you.

As you know two members from the WSO will be attending our 2-day Fall Assembly in Youngstown as OH was chosen as one of the winners of the WSO Public Outreach Project 101. They are: Delores T. Dir. of Group Services, and Frank R. Regional Trustee, and they will be giving a 90 minute presentation.. It is very seldom that we get this opportunity to have representatives from the WSO attend our OH Area Assembly so DR's get the word out and the flyers out to all your Group Reps.

WSO Requirement for Alateen Sponsors Minimum Requirements

The initial Ohio Alateen Sponsors Minimum Requirements draft was not approved by WSO. The Area World Service Committee used the WSO requirements to formulate Ohio Area Alateen Sponsors Minimum Requirements. The WSO requirements were presented and discussed. The heading and sections 1-8 were read, discussed, revised and voted on until a final version was completed and unanimously voted on approving as written. This new draft was sent to WSO and was approved. This must now be ratified by the Ohio Area Assembly, for if not, Alateen in the State of Ohio will cease to exist as of December 31, 2004. A motion on procedures of implementation followed: Requirement form must be read, signed and Notarized and the WSO form must be filled out and authorized by the area DR or a Dr.(if no DR in the given district) plus a background authorization card. These forms and card are then sent by the DR to the Ohio Area Assembly Compliance liason person to do the background check and inform WSO of the results either way. (Yes or No) by a notation on the Area Use section of the WSO form. She will inform the Alateen individual if no.


Area World Service Meeting Minutes of March 14, 2004 were approved. Attendance for today can be found at the upper right hand corner of page 1.


Fall issue of Al-A-Notes submissions are due by Oct. 15.

Suggested topic for officer/coordinator sharings: In regards to the AI-Anon Declaration, how do you reach out, how are you always there, and how does your home group reach out?

If you are a GR, please send address changes to Janice R., Group Records Coordinator. Send individual subscription address changes to me.

Error in Spring/Summer Al-A-Notes: Lee R. was omitted as Convention 2-day Fall
Advisor. Lee Ruby


Youngstown, OH 44511


Membership Outreach Action Committee meeting -1 did not receive minutes - does anyone know who took notes?


Period January 1 to July 31, 2004. Total donations and other income $8,097.26, Interest $1,533.53 to total $9,630.79. Expenses and other cash outlay to total $9,543.48. The balance on 1/1/04 was $44,999.15 adding income and subtracting cash outlay gives us an ending balance of $44,999.15. The second page details the income and cash outlay into assembly funds and budget items. The pages 1-9 are donations by District for this period that I thought the DRs would be interested in.



I have had printed problems but hope now that is resolved. I have had at least 200 changes to make. I make changes from WSO information, district and GR information and any changes made to the book.


I sent my name and address in to WSO so I am just now getting information concerning the Forum. It is my understanding that if you still want to order the special Sept. Forum you can and WSO will send them out as long as they have stock. On every fourth chair I have left a Forum survey that they are taking in all areas asking whether you receive the Forum and if not why not. I will have these at assembly. The Forum is looking for sharings for the Round Topic Discussions. If you have any you can give it to me to email or send in yourself , but please be sure to put OHIO on it so they know what state it is coming from. They need your experience, strength and hope. Sharings are necessary to keep the Forum being published.


Someone shared about a problem they had heard about with the Alateens and AA members in Akron concerning molestation. A sharing about a Dayton area church meeting that has been inviting Alateen Sponsors to take part in their training for children for over two years. It was resisted due to our annominity, so maybe now it will help keep these meetings up and running.

Mary Kay brought up the issue on the Ohio Area Assemblies funding the Regional Delegates Meeting . The history on this meeting came about by the Delegates that went to the Conference and were so confused for so long, that they decided to hold a meeting themselves in order to be able to help the next Delegate. This has been going on for 25 years. You will not find the Regional Delegates meetings as part of the World Service Office’s service structure as this was taken on by the Delegates them selves. Some regions support their delegates to going to this meeting and some do not. It is an individual State by State decision. In Ohio, we support our Delegate going to these meetings and also the Alternate Delegate gets to go one time. What about past delegates? It helps a vital link in our service structure that helps keep our Past Delegates coming back and sharing their knowledge with Assembly, but is it necessary being that its not part of WSO structure? There are many pros and cons on this issue and Mary Kay can speak as the AWSC meeting where she cannot present this at a assembly, so it was brought up for us to look at if we wish.


No Report


I am getting very little from W.S.O. and what I do get is For P.I. or Institutions, not C.P.C. I am also getting very Little from Ohio groups. Akron- Is putting September Forums in Doctors and Lawyer's offices. Cincinnati- Gave literature to Mental Health Board and Jails. Toledo- Had speakers at Medical College of Ohio, Toledo Hospital, and Denlac Hall. I ask that all DR's let me know what your Districts are doing so I can let the rest of the State know. Thank you. I miss you all and pray that I can be there in October.



Wanted to thank everyone for the cards, letters, calls from the Twelve step community. I cannot tell you how much this means to me and the comfort it brought to me. I have had nothing to review. I am looking for the convention books. (Will be turned in at 2 day fall assembly)


Since the May 15th Assembly meeting,I have received 3 separate mailings from WSO which I forwarded to each District Representative to share with the Group Representative of each family group within the district.

The first was a 10 page mailing dealing with the new PSA "Reality" TV/Radio Service Announcements (PSAs) and Poster.Listings of those radio and TV stations receiving PSA directly from WSO were included.

The second mailing was in regards to a DEAR ABBY article published on Monday, June 14th in paper's nationwide .WSO Public Outreach Department was advised that the Al-Anon/Alateen 888 number and web-site would be listed in the article.WSO included the following information which I would like to read for your consideration. "though DEAR ABBY is syndicated nationally and sent out with the national number, sometimes local p^i^F3 will replace the national info with your local AlS/intergroup number or area/AIS Web site. We got a clipping from NE this-,way. It ' s worth checking out! Please let the Public Outreach1" Department know if you have success with this. " Love in service, Mary Lou Mahlman

Associate Director Public Outreach--Media Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. followed by 5 ways to contact

Visit our Members' Si te . . . www. 757-563-1600,ext.1675 voice 757-563-1655,fax,e-mail

After signature were 5 available ways to make contact with WSO Web sites.voice/fax/or e-mail

The August release is the handout you received today.It lists the TV stations who aired "MY Life" public service announcement and how to create a list of "open" stations using the Internet.(first page) On the back you will find "Quick tips for PSA Outreach" The last sheet contains only the Ohio stations that aired "MY Life" and /or those that will air "Reality".Since there are many more stations than those listed on the Tracking Record it is important to carefully refer to all recent releases to help locate as many media outlets as possible to get our message of help and hope out to the public.

Since Ohio will be having WSO personnel at our 2 day Assembly, it would be nice to have many of the districts giving updates on their group efforts to share then.


Same as before.


I have had a few inquiries about the Al-anon Declaration. "Let It Begin With Me" (M-8) used during the closing of meetings.

Many meetings are using the saying "Keep coming back it works when your work it." preceded by "The Lord's Prayer. "

I think it was in 2001, our World Service Conference suggested meetings begin using the Al-Anon Declaration and closing prayer the group conscience decides on since the others are not conference approved literature.

It is up to the group conscience how to close the meeting.

A piece of literature not very well known is S-38. Remember Al-Anon in Your Will". The guide lines for bequeaths are listed in the pamphlet. Bequeaths can only be accepted from Al-Anon members. Tradition Seven explains this.

Pamphlet S-40 "Attracting and Cooperating" answers frequently asked questions such as one about our TV PSA's.

New to us is the pamphlet " Who Are The Members to Al-Anon and Alateen? " (s-29). This service tool explains the demographics of Al-Anon as a whole. An interesting fact in my opinions is that Al-Anon members have an average of more than one alcoholic in their lives. If you are interested in the exact number find a copy of S-29.

The book Alateen-Hope for Children of Alcoholics (B-3) is newly revised with updated art and language. It is available from literature distribution centers. Has your meeting ever used Alateen literature to help with issues carried into adulthood? This book should help with those topics.

A literature survey will be distributed at the 2 day fall assembly for group representatives to complete.


I have reviewed the response for the Treatment Center Outreach questionnaire that I sent out in the spring. The response was excellent! I found that, in general, many districts were receptive to contacting an institution and supplying them with materials. Although, not many wanted to adopt an institution. Some felt that there home group would not be willing to do so. I would have liked to seen more receptivity to a meeting on wheels. It is important to remember that many people come through these doors because of an institution. We need to do all we can to ensure they are informed about Al-Anon & Alateen. My hopes are that the DR's will bring this up at district meetings and express the importance of keeping in contact with area institutions and doing all we can to bring the presence of Al-Anon in.

I will be doing a mailing this month in regards to this subject. I will be giving suggestions that may inspire more contact with institutions.

WSO is still encouraging the Inmate Correspondence Service. The purpose of this is to exchange information about Al-Anon, the family disease of alcoholism, and the principles of our program of recovery. Inmates correspond with Al-Anon members who serve as Inmate contacts. The contact is like a sponsor and letters serve as meetings. We are in need of male contacts. The female contacts are well taken care of. In addition to being assigned a contact to correspond with, the inmate will receive a 1-year complimentary subscription to The Forum.

I have been receiving more district reports and I will be sharing that information in October. I am so pleased with all of you that have seen to it that I receive this information. Thank you!

Please send in your reports on our Project 101 so I can have a good report for the 2 day fall assembly to impress our WSO guests. Its not to late if anyone needs more material. Please let me know and I’ll get it to you as I still have materials left. It was stated that the WSO guest are here to give a presentation and encouragement, not to judge our project.


The Budget committee has not met since the May Assembly. The budget for 2004 was approved at that assembly meeting. I will bring a few copies of the budget to the tow day fall assembly for those who did not receive one.


When I make changes, I use the official copies of the meeting minutes and since I have not received those yet so I have not report.


2 day fall is working well, so I been working more on the convention. I’ve had a lot of people ask me questions or make comments, so since the last time we met in March, I have put together seven questions that can be changed or revise but ones that Al-Anons have said to me. I would like to have the GR’s at assembly fill this form out so I can get the result back and see if there is any large percentage of what the Al-Anon’s have to say. We use to get 400-500 people at the convention in 1986-1989 and now I be happy to get 250 people. I’d like to see it get back to where it was and thought with a lot of Al-Anon being new maybe this questionnaire will help all of us. Enthusiasm needs to be brought back into the convention and I am just trying to find ways to do that.


2-DAY FALL ASSEMBLY: Toni B. – October 30-31, 2004 Hosted by Youngstown/Warren Districts.

Holiday Inn-Metroplex, Girard, Oh 44420, Phone 330-759-0606. Deadline for registration is Oct. 9th. Cost per room is $79.99 + tax. 1-4 persons per room. Two or more registrations must be made at the same time. Be sure to tell them at the Hotel you are will Ohio Area Assembly to get the correct room rate. For more information see the flyers of call Toni B. 330-270-5408. All chairpersons report things are going well and we are reminded to get your reservations made.


No Report. Is asking a lot of questions and looking into what needs to get done. Whatever needs to get done will get done.

WEB SITE: Dennis K.

No Report


Columbus, Ohio, Holiday Inn East - Room rate is $78.00 1-4 people. The 2005 convention will be held June 3,4 & 5, 2005. Plans are progressing well. The first committee meeting was held August 29th. Registration committee met to decide package prices. They will be very close to the package pricing of the 2004 Convention. Flyers will be ready in October. World Service denied permission to reprint the Forum article for which our convention is named – Yagottawanna. The hotel has been sold and the name changed to Sprindale Hotel. Flyers will be at 2 day fall assembly.


Sheraton Airport Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, August 19-21,2005. The theme is Soaring into Service. The first committee meeting was today. The logo will be our state bird the Cardinal in flight. Getting permission from WSO to make up some posters for 2 day fall so they can be take to Literature Distribution Centers and flyers to take to every Al-Anon function and distribute. This is a wonderful opportunity for us since we haven’t had a RSS in our area since 1981 so need to spread the word to all to join us at the Seminar and also in helping us put it on.

2006 OHIO AREA CONVENTION – DiAnna N. (Chairperson)